Monday, May 18, 2009

My Mother's Hands

By Jenn Platt

My mother's hands are long, rough, and strong.
They have worked ten hour days for little money
just to make ends meet for us.
They once braided my lengthy hair
every night before bed, so it wouldn't tangle.
And later they worked to feed us
and didn't stop just because the workday was through.
More work was to be done at home.
Nothing makes them happier
than seeing the fruits of their labor.
Touching the furniture and finding no dust,
seeing that everything is in its place and tidy.
Then these hands make ample food to feed the family.
Dinner is served warm and flavorful
and you can't help but feel warm, cozy, and content.
"When you grow up, you can make all your dreams come true.
The sky is the limit."
My mother reminds me that I can achieve everything I want
but I need to be determined and dedicated to succeed.
She tells me to persevere
even when my dreams seem so far away.
Because of her my dreams are closer in sight.